Friday, April 07, 2006

WHO has a better smile the Mona Lisa or a Joconde?

Advanced Pastry 04.06.06
*Leonardo Da Vinci's extraordinary masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, was the
portrait of the 3rd wife of a Florentine merchant, Francesco di Bartolommeo
del Giocondo; Therefore we have "La Gioconda" (Italian) or Joconde in French.

The name joconde gives and indication of how highly regarded this sponge cake
is among pastry chefs. In addition to containing powdered almonds, it differs from
other sponge cakes by having whole eggs (rather than just yolks) beaten with the
sugar and powdered almonds before the meringue is folded in. Joconde is thin and
rich and is used to decorate and seal all kinds of Gateaux.

*adapted from: "The Art of the Cake", Modern French Baking & Decorating
by B. Healy & P.Bugat

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